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The Complete Guide to Cannabis Trichomes

The Complete Guide to Cannabis Trichomes

Intro: If you, like many, want to be good at growing cannabis, then you need to know something about the trichomes, the small growths on the cannabis plant where all the fun (THC) is and all the dank flavors and smell that cannabis plants are known for. The trichomes are a small chemical factory that produces both cannabinoids and terpenes, which are essential oils. Why is it important, you see, it is via the color of trichomes that you can determine when a plant is ready to harvest. It is also important to understand what terpenes are, as it is the trichomes that produce the taste and fragrance, so that you can best preserve it when you dry and cure your cannabis flowers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Become an expert in trichomes in 15 minutes
  • Learn to harvest your cannabis at the optimal time
  • How to optimize drying so that you retain the most flavor and aroma

Trichomes: What Are They?

In this article, we will dive deep into the trichomes of the cannabis plant and learn all about what they look like, what types of trichomes there are, how they are structured, and what biochemical compounds they produce. You can then use all that knowledge when you are about to harvest your cannabis plants. You will also understand much better how through the drying process you can preserve the good smell and taste, which is important for the recreational user. You will also gain a lot of knowledge that is important if, for example, you want to make your own hash or other types of cannabis extracts.

For many, trichomes are a magical little shiny growth found on the leaves, top shoots, and stems of female plants. Trichomes are popularly referred to as crystals or sugar due to their shiny appearance. The trichomes are also the starting point when producing hash and other cannabis extracts. Here the aim is to separate the trichomes from the plant material, which is done by using fine mesh nets. Here it is smart to know something about the size of the different trichomes so that you can use the right net sizes.

Trichomes: What Do They Look Like?

Trichomes are small, hair-like growths on the surface of cannabis plants. They produce and contain a variety of compounds, including cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD) and terpenes (which give cannabis its distinct aroma and flavor). They are most concentrated on the flowers and leaves of the female plant and can occur in varying density and size depending on the cannabis strain.

Trichomes have a number of functions for the cannabis plant, including protecting it from UV light and herbivores and attracting pollinators that are lured to the plant via its terpenes, which give the cannabis plant a smell. They also play a very large and decisive role for everyone who loves to enjoy the cannabis plant for recreational use. A small side note, you have to remember that it is not only the cannabis plant that has trichomes; almost all plants have trichomes. They come in many different forms and they are also grouped into different types depending on what form they have. But it is only the trichomes of the cannabis plant that produce THC, CBD, and the other cannabinoids.

Types of Trichomes on Cannabis Plants:

    1. Bulbous Trichomes:

They are the smallest type and with their 10 to 30 micron thickness, they are not very visible to the naked eye and can only be seen with a strong magnifying glass. Bulbous trichomes can be found scattered throughout the cannabis plant.

    1. Non-glandular Trichomes:

They are larger than bulbous trichomes and have a more hair-like structure. They are also found all over the plant, and their size is from 25 to 100 microns.

    1. Glandular Trichomes:

Is the largest trichome type. They are so large that they can be seen with the naked eye. It is also the Glandular Trichomes that give the cannabis plant’s female flowers their skins and shiny appearance at the end of the flower phase. They are mainly found on the flowers and leaves of the female plant. The glandular trichomes look a bit like a mushroom if you look at them with a magnifying glass with their round heads sitting on top of a stalk.

They are made up of 3 cell types:

  1. The glandular cells are the most important cells in trichomes, as they produce and store the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds that give cannabis its unique properties. These cells are located at the top of the trichome and have a bulbous shape.
  2. The basal cells are located at the base of the trichome and provide structural support to the gland cells.
  3. The stalk cells are located between the glandular and basal cells and help to hold the trichome in place.

Color of Trichomes – An Important Sign of the Maturity of the Cannabis Plant

The color of the trichomes on a cannabis plant can provide important information about its maturity and potency. For example, clear trichomes indicate that the plant is not yet ready for harvest and that the THC level is not at its peak. Conversely, trichomes that are cloudy or amber in color indicate that the plant is ready for harvest and that THC levels are declining. It is important to note that not all trichomes are the same and that the size, color, and density of the trichomes can vary depending on the cannabis variety, the growing conditions, and the maturity of the plant. If you want to assess when it is the best time to harvest your cannabis plants, you can use a magnifying glass with a magnification of 40-60 times or more. Look at both the flowers at the top and further down. The flowers on cannabis plants do not ripen at the same time, and those at the top are always more potent than those further down.

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